The Real Reason Why You Keep Waking Up at Oh Dark 30, 3:00 AM or 4:00 AM
It's Oh Dark T hirty, 3:00 A.M. or it’s 4:00 A.M. Why are You Waking Up? FOUR (4) STARTLING REASONS WHY THIS GREMLIN STRIKES AT ODD WEEE HOURS OF THE MORNING! Your eyes pop open. You’re wide awake. Time to get up? But wait: It’s still pitch dark outside. Ummm…maybe that’s because 'tis oh dark thirty or it’s only three thirty in the morning. What happens next seldom varies. You keep flipping into new sleep positions, hoping one will work and you find your comfortzone. But nothing does, and meantime you’re noting every 15 minutes that goes by. Alarming thoughts course through your overthinking, over-wired brain: Did I forget to lock the front door or turn off the stove? How can I save for retirement when the cost of my dental bills and insurance premiums etc. keeps going up? And, scariest of all, if I’m awake half the night, how will I get through my crazy-busy work day tomorrow? Eventually, you do fall ...