End times directives
Jovina Silva Even though Jovina Silva has gone through cancer, a mastectomy, a hysterectomy and several other serious health scares over the last decade, she never felt the urgency to put together an advance health directive advising her son what to do in case she didn’t pull through. But last week, as she watched the coronavirus pandemic rapidly unfold from her home in California, where over 1,000cases of COVID-19 have been counted, she wrote down her last wishes. The possibility of prolonged sickness or even death from COVID-19 triggered an urgency in Silva, 87, a retired educator from Riverside RI. “I'm vulnerable and I’m in that target age, and I knew I had to get this end-of-life stuff done,” she said. “This has put me face-to-face with my responsibility and what I need to do to make things easier for my son should anything bad happen. Courtesy of Jovina Silva Image: Jovina Silva with her son João (John) and daughter-in-law JoAn. (Theres another son/brother An...