
Showing posts from June, 2020

Simple Habit Separates Successful People From Everyone Else

Warren Buffett Says This 1 Simple Habit Separates Successful People From Everyone Else Hint: It starts with a two-letter word. Billionaire Warren Buffett , the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is in his late eighties and still capturing the world's attention as the second richest person on the planet (as of this writing). So, how has he done it? Actually, it's not so much about what he has done as it is what he hasn't done . With all the demands on him every day, Buffett learned a long time ago that the greatest commodity of all is time. He simply mastered the art and practice of setting boundaries for himself. That's why this Buffett quote remains a powerful life lesson. The mega-mogul said: ...

Give People a Chance to Lead in a Crisis or Disater

Saudade O’B: Give People a Chance to Lead in a Crisis IN  BUSINESS AS A PLATFORM FOR CHANGE ,  LEADING THRUG  CHANGE,  SALESFORCE -  OHANA       Get our weekly newsletter for the latest business insights. SUBSCRIBE  BACK TO ALL STORIES In times of unprecedented crisis, like the one we are living in, there are opportunities for true leaders to rise to the occasion. That was one of my main takeaways from a conversation earlier today with Saudade O’B, the award-winning journalist who’s chronicled more than her fair share of seismic global events over the course of her career. “Every disaster I’ve covered — the tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, Haiti earthquake — these are opportunities where I’ve seen leaders emerge,” she told me. "In a crisis ... how do you support those people who are stressed ... and how do you give people, hope and a chance to lead?" This morning’s conversation with Saudade is part of our  Leading Thru Change content initiati...