Son Ignores Mom For Years. But When She Dies, He Looks Inside Her Casket And Sees It...

Pre-teens can also be stubborn, unreceptive and difficult to motivate. Immigrant Moms equally stubborn and holds grudges, real or made up, for years. It’s a time when a lot of kids start to rebel from their parents’ wishes. When former professional wrestler Marc Mero stood up in front of an auditorium filled with 6th, 7th and 8th graders, he had a feeling they wouldn’t giving him, a random stranger, their complete and undivided attention.

Mom left when I was three didn't see her again 'till I was 10 yo. two continents away. Was escorted by dad at knife point at 16 yo out of the house.

Haven't seen mom 12 years, visited 2 years ago she called cops to escort me out of the house. She didn't want me there. My daughter called her, mom wouldn't talk to her saying she doesn't know who my daughter was. It was my girl's birthday. We can't verify the authenticity of this story ( Snopes gives it a 'mixed' rating ) but take the principles of this story. 

Mero, a WCW and WWE champion who runs a non-profit organization called Champion Of Choices, knows that to get the students’ attention he has to target their hearts — and when he tells an incredible story about his relationship with his late mother, he does just that. Mero explains how he doesn’t appreciate his wonderful mother until she was gone, and his words hit the students hard. He touches on themes of life, death, regret, and most of all, love.

João Silva

João Silva shared a link.

Even though Marc speaks to a younger audience, his words have a powerful meaning at any age in life. “Love is just a word until you give it meaning — YOU are the meaning.”

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