Five Steps for Finding Your TF

Sometimes discussed in terms of a “mirror soul” or “soul connection”, a twin flame is the other half of your soul. It is theorized that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. Thereafter, the soul lands in two different bodies.

(1) Being True to Yourself.

A life partner compliments you. Your strength works with their strength. To focus in on your weakness means you won’t find your Twin Flame(TF) . To live to your weakness is to find a person who compliments your weaknesses. Such a relationship is a co-dependent relationship. Co-Dependent relationships always burn out or move on in the end. Co-Dependency at first feels balanced, but the problem is as you change it spins out of control. So ironically for Co-Dependency to survive also means always to be staying within your weakness.

We need to grow. Yes, we can focus on a weakness, to grow from that weakness. But never stay weak on purpose to keep a relationship going. That just comes at the cost of your own life.

Also to keep a person in a relationship for the sake of a relationship is a weakness that destroys a relationship.

We all have issues. A relationship is about complimenting our issues also.

This may seem like a contradiction at first, but it isn’t.

Our TF will help us work out of our issues, help us acknowledge them and then find healthy ways to work with our flaws to always be growing. A life partner will never hold us back in our issues. A TF will allow us to make small mistakes but then will help you avoid large problems. We need to learn from our mistakes and grow.

Soul Mate

(2) Don’t Force Your Relationships

We think we know who compliments us and then judge others who would be our best mate. Ironically people are blind to the missing aspects of their soul and issues. It’s not effective to only use logic to find the person who compliments you. This is why dating services do such a poor job using algorithms to find a partner for others.

Now a problem happens during the harder times of life.

The harder points of life are when we judge our partners the most. Also, if you happen to be the midst of a great change such as adolescence, quarter-life crisis or a midlife crisis, everything is shifting too fast to make sense of any of it. No one can know who their TF when they are in the middle of a crisis. (this is why soulmates can break apart in crisis). Acceptance of a TF comes after the crisis has passed after you release all measurements of who is best for you. You cannot measure clothing for a child as if they were an adult! Likewise, you don’t measure partners while you or they are in great change. Picking a person who is best for you in the middle of any crisis doesn’t match very well for later after you have grown up from your crisis.

Release trying to find prospective partners or to hold existing partners based on measurements (judgment), especially if you are in the middle of great change.

(3) Building Your Awareness.

In the end, without awareness, a person is moving blindly in their life. Part of awareness is to explore and to be willing to meet and talk to different people to both understand chemistry and how we react to others. Awareness lets us work to our essence. Awareness, as a practice, is about connection. To make sure that when we do find a deep connection, that the connection is complete of mind, body, and spirit.

Without awareness equally from both parties, a relationship is blind and only one-sided at best and will fail.

Relative to a midlife crisis or any major change point.
A person’s awareness is focused for the first year or two back into themselves. Transformation points of life are truly about change, so it’s important that a person’s awareness does focus back inward for this period. This is required to help them sort out who they are and how to change. However, since awareness is required to complete the connection to your soul partner, this also means that a midlife transformation process or a larger life crisis very easily disrupts the bond between partners. During this period if the partner tries to reestablish the bond, the person in midlife transformation could just move further away, in an attempt to keep their focus on their growth. It will appear the person in midlife crisis is selfish, (and often seemingly childish in how to try to reclaim their space. This is because they haven’t yet figured out how to express what they are feeling yet).

Understand a person in crisis or midlife change has their attention focused on what they feel are required changes in their transformation. A person in midlife change will move away or fight back to reclaim their space from anyone, including soul partners, who gets in the way of this personal reconfiguration process. This is why midlife transformation can and does break soul partners apart. One person needs to change while the partner resists the change. Two powerful mind states that come into direct conflict and it isn’t a fun time to experience at all.

(4) Patience and Acceptance.

Once one is patient enough to accept their life, relationships improve dramatically.

I have a seen a simple trend.

On average, if you are patient, aware, centered and living in a decent sized community, you will come across a deep life partner once every three years.

This will vary of course from person to person. But it seems to be a good baseline that is accurate if you work with the teachings I offer. I find my students have a high degree of success in finding their Soul Companions / TF after they work with me. Non Judgement and kindness (working to essence) is a powerful path to explore, and it has some nice benefits regarding improved relationships.

(5) Relationship Calibration

Relationship calibration is a special and unique teaching from Personal Tao. We teach a person how to recognize and match up chemistry. We teach you to understand your own essence and how to find another person with a compatible essence. We teach this process for our students so they can be confident to find a perfect match in life. Contact us if you want to learn more about relationship calibration.

A Profound Soulmate Truth

Not every potential soul companion you come across will become a soul companion. It all depends on timing, conditions and other factors at the moment of meeting.

Once you have taken the time to be your own person and grow. It improves the chances of your soul companion noticing you. After you have learned to be aware and not just react. It improves your chances of spotting a soul companion. It takes both of you to connect and for awareness of what that connection means for the process to begin truly. Once you have become patient, it improves the odds that conditions will be right to embrace your soul companion fully.


I have developed a series of tests to help find your soulmate that I share with students and clients. The soulmate video on this page will teach you these tests. Also, you can arrange a session with us directly to help you find your life partner.



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